
Programming Fundamentals using Python Day 1

Here you will get the help for solving day 1 assignments. Click Here More for details. Day 1 Assignment 1 Day 1 Assignment 2 Day 1 Assignment 3 #PF-Assgn-3 #This verification is based on string match. mileage= 12 amount_per_litre= 40 distance_one_way= 190 per_head_cost= 0 divisible_by_five= False #Start writing your code from here #Populate the variables: per_head_cost and divisible_by_five per_head_cost=(((distance_one_way* 2 )/mileage)*amount_per_litre)/ 4 if (per_head_cost% 5 == 0 ):     divisible_by_five= True else :     divisible_by_five = False #Do not modify the below print statements for verification to work print (per_head_cost) print (divisible_by_five) Day 1 Assignment 4 #PF-Assgn-4 #This verification is based on string match. principal= 7800 rate_of_interest= 7.7 time= 26 interest= 0 #Start writing your code from here #Populate the variable: interest interest=(principal * r...